Rail and Wire - Official Publication of the IRM

Issue 179, September 1999

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COVER: The "business end" of the first bi-level control cab car, Chicago & North West-ern 151, is an impressive sight as it sits in the springtime sun on Station Track 2 at Union. After its donation by Metra, this car and two older bi-level coaches were repainted and renumbered in their C&NW liveries before shipment to the Museum. (Note the "old" Metra car number still on the interior bulkhead door in this April photograph.) The acquisition and restoration of these historic cars is the subject of Dave Phillips’ cover story in this issue. Photo by Peter Schmidt


C&NW Gallery Cars by Dave Phillips

Even with a Cab Car, You Still Need A Locomotive! by Peter Schmidt

Bi-Level Restoration Continues at Union by John Howell

Electric Car Department Update Staff Report

Progress & Setbacks at the Strahorn Library by Barbara Lanphier

IRM's Vision to the Future by James D. Johnson

Rail & Wire is issued as a benifit of the membership in the Illinois Railway Museum, a not for profit, educational organization. Membership information and application forms are available here.

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