IRM Membership Information

Associate Membership in the Illinois Railway Museum is open to anyone who likes trains, or who is interested in the Museum's historic and educational programs. The Associate member receives a pass which identifies him as a Museum supporter, allows him or her passage on the Museum's operating railway and allows a discount on certain educational materials in the Museum Bookstore. Associates will also receive a Museum newsletter, "Rail & Wire", which is published several times a year.

Associate Members enjoy all the privileges of full membership except that they may not vote or hold office. Participation in the Museum's activities is open - from being an active booster to lending a hand in the Museum's work. Some Associates are in a fortunate position to be able to volunteer their particular talents or just their time for work on Museum projects. The Museum encourages this as most of its projects depend almost entirely on volunteer workers. There is always a need for skilled workers, office workers, operating personnel, and people interested in "just helping out" on Museum projects.

Membership Rates:

  • $40 - Individual Associate
  • $65 - Family Associate
  • $95 - Individual Sustaining
  • $140 - Family Sustaining
Annual memberships run from January through December.

Get Your IRM Membership Now!

The Illinois Railway Museum is a not-for-profit, educational corporation which was organized in 1953. The Museum is supported primarily by contributions and by revenues derived from the visiting public. Volunteers serving without pay do most of the work. All contributions to the Museum are tax deductible.

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