Rail and Wire - Official Publication of the IRM

Rail & Wire Issue 219, Spring 2009

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Chicago & West Towns 141 Presses On

'Round the Grounds Sign of the Times, Moving the North Shore Line Sign

Eugene L. Van Dusen, 1916 to 2009 - A Founder Passes

More 2008 Updates from those, Workin' in the Freight Car Department

Volunteers at Work and Restoration Views

Plan a Day Trip and Enjoy IRM's Summer Railroad Events

Greg Heier, 1941 to 2009, Saying Goodbye to a Devoted IRM Volunteer & Jack of All Trades

The Signal Department in 2008, from CTC to Fabulous Wig-Wags

From the Freight Car Department, The Transfer Caboose is Done - CRI&P 19135

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