Rail and Wire - Official Publication of the IRM

Rail & Wire Issue 215, Winter 2008

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An Educational Project - A Functional Signal Display

Indiana Railroad 65 Returns to Service, The Dixie Flyer Charter

NYCTA "Redbirds," IRM's Newest Subway Cars

The 17th Annual Vintage Transportation Extravaganza, The Car Show

Former Trolley Bus Curator Passes, Glenn M. Andersen, 1931-2007 -

A Tribute to A Trolley Bus Man

Rock Island 19135 - Working on the RI Transfer Caboose

After 15 Years in Primer, Work Continues on the Dover Strait

'Round the Grounds - B&G's 'New' Maintenance Vehicles

New in 2008, The IRM Facility Memorials Program

President's Letter, We Always Need More Volunteers

"Have you seen the starlight on the rails?"

For the 40th Anniversary of the End of RPO Service - An On-the-Fly Mail Pick-Up

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