History of the IRM - A Museum In Motion


Pullman Library building in Downtown Union
In January 1987 Pullman Technologies, Inc., the corporate successor to the Pullman Company, offered the Illinois Railway Museum all of the remaining construction drawings, photographs and technical data in its possession. The Museum gratefully accepted this donation and acquired the former bank building in downtown Union to properly house and protect this magnificent collection. Rehabilitation of the physical plant into facilities suitable for archival storage and research has reached an advanced stage.

All documents through the year 1956 have been transferred to the Museum with the remainder to follow. This is the definitive repository of technical data from the Pullman Company in its many corporate incarnations over the 101-year span of its existence.

Pullman Library Sign
Pullman Technologies granted IRM use of the Pullman name for our library - the Pullman Library of the Illinois Railway Museum.

Throughout the years the Museum has acquired many other documents of historic significance. Collections to be housed in the Library include railroad president's correspondence, libraries of technical data, bound volumes of journals, vendor's files, historic advertising, and private collections. IRM continues seeking private and company collections of railroad documents, records, and photographs for inclusion in the Pullman Library.

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