Diesel Shop Construction Update
January 22, 2002

Here we see the North side of the Diesel Shop looking West. The wall and ceiling have been insulated and OSB sheathing is being applied to the wall. Metal Halide work lights have been installed in the north and middle isles. Metal Halide wall packs will be installed on the wall after the OSB is finished. The ceiling insulation was done by contractors, the walls and electrical work were done by museum volunteers. Photo by James Kolanowski, Jan 22, 2002.
Looking west we see most of the ceiling insulation complete. The distance to the peak is 28 feet, so high lifts were used for the insulation and electrical work. Three ceiling fans were also installed. Photo by James Kolanowski, Jan 22, 2002.
The view is looking Southwest across the shop towards the South wall. The last few sections of insulation are being applied to the ceiling. Installation of work lights in the South isle and insulation on the South wall will soon follow. Photo by James Kolanowski, Jan 22, 2002.
Here we see the South slope of the ceiling. The pipes seen in this shot are part of the compressed air system. Photo by James Kolanowski, Jan 22, 2002.
This is the Southeast corner of the shop, where the electrical service is located, hence the maze of conduit going to this corner. The two ten foot sections of wall are sheathed and painted. The remainder of the east wall is next to be insulated and sheathed. Photo by James Kolanowski, Jan 22, 2002.

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